Treatment & Services

  • The Right Mix

  • Infusion Therapy

  • Medical Oncology

  • Radiation Oncology

  • Diagnostics & Screening

Radiation Oncology

Cancer Center of North Dakota is committed to providing the latest in radiation treatments to their patients in a stress reducing, healing environment. Our state-of-the-art technology features:

Precision: On-board imaging helps pinpoint and treat tumors to within less than 1 millimeter using either stereotactic imaging or cone beam CT imaging.

Effectiveness: On-board imaging allows for image-guided radiotherapy which treats the cancer and ensures visualization of the adjacent normal tissue, minimizing damage to normal healthy tissues. This means fewer side effects enabling you to keep up with their normal daily life.

Intuitiveness: Our technology includes surface guided (device-less) gating also known as SGRT which accounts for your body movement during treatment from breathing and internal organ movement and shuts the beam off if the tumor moves out of range along with other new automated features to improve accuracy and efficiency.

Cancer Center of North Dakota’s staff and team have an unwavering commitment to compassionate, caring and comprehensive care and to restoring your health.


On-Board Imager

Linear Accelerator with On-Board Imager™

  • Cancer Center of North Dakota offer fully automated image guided radiotherapy

  • On-Board Imager is mounted on the linear accelerator via robotically controlled arms which operate along three axes of motion, so it can be positioned optimally for the best view of the tumor, without ever having to move the patient.

  • Takes high-resolution X-ray images that reconstruct as CT scan images to pinpoint tumor site, adjust patient positioning, and complete the treatment in a standard treatment time slot.

  • Yields digital images via an amorphous silicon flat-panel X-ray image detector showing internal anatomic landmarks with a high degree of precision, treatment can then be delivered accurately from virtually any angle.

  • Incorporates a Surface Guided (device-less) Gating system also known as SGRT that monitors and compensates for tumor motion during the radiation treatment – if tumor moves out of the pre-set treatment guidelines, the radiation beam shuts itself off, virtually ignoring the healthy surrounding tissue.

Varian TrueBeam Linear Accelerator

IMRT — Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy

  • Delivers high doses of radiation directly to cancer cells while sparing more of the adjacent healthy tissue.

  • Used to treat tumors that may have been considered “untreatable” due to close proximity of vital organs and structures.

  • Utilizes a computerized tool called a multi-leaf collimator that shapes the beam of radiation in accordance with the treatment plan — no longer confined to a single, large, uniform beam that may unnecessarily treat the healthy tissue near tumor.

  • The multi-leaf collimator eliminates the need for clinicians to enter and leave the treatment room numerous times to insert and remove lead beam-shaping blocks.

  • The patient is positioned once per session, rather than multiple times.

Rapid AC

  • Delivers high doses of radiation either conformally or IMRT as well as SRS/SRBT via an arc around the patient and tumor up to 360 degrees to spare even more of the adjacent healthy tissue.

Portal Imaging

  • Allows doctors to verify the accuracy of the treatment plan before any prescribed dose of radiation is delivered to the patient.

  • PortalVision™ allows doctors to image the patient during treatment, thus allowing accurate positioning without increased dose to the patient.

  • Eliminates the need for clinicians to enter and leave the treatment room to wait for a film to be processed and analyzed, thereby decreasing the time of the treatment process.

Computer Treatment Planning

  • Administers 3D conformal radiation treatments.

  • Implements IMRT radiation treatments.

  • Implements 3D conformal or IMRT as well as SRS/SBRT treatments via Rapid Arc modality

  • Supplies paperless records.